I read you lost the spring a replaced it, did you say you replaced the paddle too? If the paddle had been modified for a non-standard spring you would experience a fussy carb. But it should still work.
However, I would advise leaving the spring, paddle and pop off alone. Just keep the parts standard (as per the rebuild kit) for now, because if you have pressure the motor will run.
If you need to check the body for cracks or a leak just pump it up and hold it under water like you would with a tyre. Hold it for a while, you'll soon know if there is a problem. A leak can be caused by a worn thread or screw, or ill-fitting diaphragm plate. I always used a vacuum grease around the outer edge to hold it all down.
Another weak area is the plastic cap & cork seal. Get these swapped, they cost peanuts. The fitting and removal of the fuel line cracks the underneath of the plastic shaft and it's all to often overlooked.
Otherwise just practise practise practise as per Ians guide and you'll get there. But a second carb is always advisable, if not just for comparison.
We've all had too learn and it takes time but please don't give up. Far too many do!