... if all you want to do is have some fun. If its been rebuilt, do as Ian says and keep the revs down to about 16,000 [easy... just use a smaller size rear sprocket] and you'll have happy, cheap karting.
These are truely awesome pieces of kit. They're simple, immensely powerful and sound fantastic.
There are a couple of possible problems here :
o The needle valve/seat in your tillotson carb may have worn. This means that your jet adjustments aren't having the desired effect. A new needle valve assembly is very cheap.
o There's dirt in the carb... a similar effect to above. Take the carb to pieces and clean it with clean petrol [no oil mix] or carb cleaner and make sure its SURGICALLY CLEAN... [something smaller than a human hair will foul it].
o The oil seals in the motor have worn out. These are cheap to buy [a couple of quid] but as 100cc motors go, a little awkward to fix. If the motor was dying as the revs were starting to build... and then picking up as the revs dropped... that's a signal there.
There are plenty of us old fogies with knowledge of these things and few people to advise...