It amazes me in this day and age that the governing bodies/organisations and committees of all our nations don’t work together for class equality and consistence. And why the FFSA allow such domination is clearly a case for the Monopolies and Competition Commissions. If that is the real problem…
Engine sealing should not be completed by only those who are licensed to do so, here is the real problem. For years I stripped, cleaned and rebuilt my own engines, (with the exception of the hone work) and once arriving for an S1 event I had my engine sealed. The seal could quite easily have been left in place until the next round or even the round after that, if everyone is in the same boat then no advantage can be gained.
That was with a 100cc engine screaming around at silly high revs. Now we have an engine designed to run 40hrs plus and it’s completely wasted.
This isn’t a jab at those who support the seal, just how the seal is used and profited from.
If you leave it in place after purchase from new your guarantee is upheld, once you decide to rebuild you should be allowed to break the seal and have a new one fitted by the MSA or other organising body upon arrival at a race weekend.
Then if you’re cheating they can strip it on command at any point. And not only that, you don’t have to go and pay for an expensive rebuild just because the stewards have stripped it. Some new gaskets and a new seal and you’re racing again. Now doesn’t that sound like common sense?