The idle circuit is important for 0 to 1/4 throttle and if it's too lean you can get that 'dwell' before the engine picks up out of a corner.
That's why you 'should feed' the throttle on the exit.
The throttle slide chamfer is also influential between 0 and 1/2 throttle, (They do a 40,45 and 50) although you are stuck with the one Rotax insist you use, jsut the same as the other jets and needles apart from the light float jet set.
There is a huge number of needles avaliable.
The main jet only really comes into its own at 3/4 to full throttle. The needle and of course its clip position mainly controls thr fuel delivery.
The engine will run without the main jet being in, up to 3/4 throttle when the needle exits the atomiser when the main jet would be needed.