Funny alanrr that you should post,"the story was never aired fairly". I have been able to get hold of him again.I have heard a lot of "stories" even the same driver involved in the engine saga team chassis being allegedly excluded from a Rowrah big meeting for chassis irregularities shortly before the engine outbursts, however I can only say as I find. Mr Scothern had never met me nor had I had any dealings with him until I was after some parts and help for a Cadet/junior Acadamy my son and helped run. He not only donated boxes of parts and time,he has even built and provided FREE of Charge for a less fortunate than most local drivers 2 x Engines.I find him to be a brilliant engineer with massive knowledge who has been pilloried by some in karting,unlike a certain Rotax engine agent who was banned for one illegal "sealed" motor( I ended up with the 2nd one due to a team mix up),where people still queued up during the ban period for their engines to be done,even sealed !!! which another "agent" was also able to do during their ban. Paul was hung /drawn and quartered on here by basically a Kangeroo court..!!!!imho