In 2013 they DSG won tye 4 and 6 plate on the Marco whichnis impressive but both of those drivers swapped to a Tonykart for most of 2014 with the exception of Rowrah where the infamous bumper fiasco occurred. There is nothing wrong with the DSG its just not as good at the Tony or Jade.
The key to my point is only the Tony and Jade have had long-term success in JTKM through the S1 season when the warm weather is supposed to occur.
Andy, my point about Abbi was to highlight she has done very well but you haven't had long enough to know how the Talko performs in all conditions and you are the only ones to get any sort of results in juniors despite a number of other very capable drivers trying it and moving back to the more popular brands. That should come next season if its any good, I may be wrong but I can't remember anyone getting a seeded number in juniors on a Talko since the change in tyres so there must be a reason for that.