Unless you can get the newest model Tal-ko, I'd go for Tony Kart for ease of setup and parts and as said, they can be picked up for very reasonable rates. The price tends to plateau as well so they hold some resale value down the line. Plus the parts sell well if you write one off.
Jade is an option but getting parts can be bit of a problem, just takes longer to get them and they can grip up in very hot conditions but as you have a light driver, you;re unlikely to notice that.
The left-field options can make your life harder although I'm all for seeing karts that aren't green on the grid. At least with a more common chassis, it's easier to replicate the setup of your competitors. Some different chassis will require you to do the opposite as others to get the same results and becomes bit of a nightmare if you're doing it alone without team support.
For the current tkm tyre, you won't really go wrong with a Tony Kart and for someone starting out in it, if it was me, I'd go with that option.