I was ripping into Rotax a long time before X30 came on the scene Dave and we drove Max's.
JAG must be the most intransigent company I know and it has come back to bite them.
Many classes have isolated concentrations of drivers and it does severely limit what engine you end up running with in your area, as you found with the TKM and Rotax.
If people and clubs were willing to accept running small classes together then they might get more entries and longer track time.
I find it hard to understand why some clubs will run a grid of less than eight that ends up limiting everyone's track time.
They seem to be able to mix cars in Motorsport but there seems a reluctance in karting.
Some clubs try to be all things to all men and the result can be about 40 minutes maximum track time if you're lucky, which using simple maths is about 2.5p per second on a £60.00 entry.
If your car cost that much to drive, you'd buy a bike. It makes even British Rail look attractive.
Most clubs/track only run once a month and many have restrictions on meetings and noise. We lost Tilbury and Carver Barracks and Kimbolton's future is by no means secure.
Quite a few clubs have closed and GYG can't seem to attract enough entries for a club meeting, although strangely it gets an S1 meeting, whereas Whilton Mill which has a thriving club doesn't get an S1 meeting. Oh I forgot, could it be it's being 'punished' for running an LGM and the unofficial championship awards and 0 plate presentation which took place AFTER the event and was nothing to do with it, just something the drivers did between themselves using a bit of initiative. A bit like improving the Max and producing the SuperMax.
I can't wait for a certain AGM and the fate of a certain chairman, that'll show up some true colours. Bets anyone?
It'll set karting back to the Stone Age in a similar way to the Labour Party with Jeremy Corbyn.
It just accelerates the rise of IKR.