Bucky you make a fair comment there. Tyres engine rebuilds etc being blamed for the decline I too don't think that's the case. If youre racing you know from the offset its not going to be cheap and this is all part and parcel associated with racing every other class has to buy tyres parts and engine rebuilds the point here is how often you buy them is to how competitive you want to be. The reason for you to say cadets not even considering TKM is for the reason which started this post there are virtually no grids left here in the north west so you then have to consider other options. Talko only seem interested in their involvement with super one and send regular newsletters out letting everybody know how well their drivers are doing on their equipment eg talko veloce chassis but are not interested whats going on in TKM around the rest of the country which is dying. Talko is forgetting something really important here that all their super one drivers that they are bigging up have all originated from club racing and without these club racers wouldn't be able to compete at super one, so its about time Talko wakes up to the fact that TKM Club Racing is going to be non existant unless something is done