From what I have been told (by the engine agent), the green coil has a rev limiter set at 14250rpm (I think), the black has none. If you lose a chain it can help save your engine. But if your specific circuit dictates reving high use the black coil. Looking at the power curves there is no advantage to reving beyond 14250 as a stand alone look. It really depends on the track.
I have also heard the ignition curve is a two stage affair with a huge jump in the curve and it's the position of this jump that can vary from coil to coil and not so much the shape of the curve. As such coils can perform differently, but it depends on the engine and the track again. There is a curve / jump position that is preferable and there will be a way of testing this and nailed on the top builders / teams will know all this and found best coils. But I don't know what it is and how to test. Maybe on my next visit to the engine builder I'll have to listen more and note stuff down. When we dynoded coils there were small differences - but they were very small compared to carbs. exhausts and airboxes offered similar small differences. They were very small, but added together they would help at the top end if your driver and kart set up is right. If they are not spend more time and money on that first, as others have alluded to!!