As a long term karter (over 50 years)... there's a rule of thumb I've learned that you should know: if there is more than one answer about ANYTHING in karting where almost no one agrees and, more likely, hold opposing views AND they can't explain WHY and HOW xyz works, then it's probably TWADDLE!
The reason it looks like a 'black art' is (in my opinion) there is NOTHING to support the claim in the first place. Just a lot of guesses.
For me, it's like the reason why I am an atheist. There are people who FERVENTLY believe in 'god/gods' and about 30,000 possible versions of a 'god/s' and many of them are prepared to KILL for their version of 'god' or 'gods'. Almost NONE of them agree about any details about their 'gods'. To me, that's 'proof' that ALL of it (and them) is twaddle. If there was a 'right answer', then most people would agree about it as there'd be some TRUTH on which one to base a view.
.....just like 'axles' in karting...!
Most people can agree on the effect of (for example) reducing the kart's tyre pressures BECAUSE we can all experience the same effect when it's tested. They do NOT agree on the effect of axles changes.... and therefore..... TWADDLE.
If you are a beginner, concentrate on the simpler, 'agreed effect' items and leave the esoteric changes until later.