Chris. You clearly have the tyre job sorted for Clay IKR and dependent on the numbers of SLC available and required it may be sorted for a long time.However this situation will not last indefinitely, and there will need to be a choice made for Clay and other IKR operators. In the low cost reasonable life area a suitable new tyre hasn't emerged as yet but given that Wizz can sell new tyres for £34 delivered irrespective of their performance it should be possible to source a decent tyre in the £70 region. Until these appear we could look at existing alternatives .You agree that the D1 would be fine. It is the most widely available s.h tyre. I would suggest that the low s.h price is more to do with the fact that it is a Junior tyre and Juniors must have the percieved best to further their careers irrespective of cost rather than any massive drop in peformance. Save them all going to landfill too!