I agree, I think series like Blue are the answer in that they cater for all weights and ages (just like TKM, not sure on the restrictors in Easy Kart but I think they do the same).
And a very pro active attitude to NO engine modifications at all. Zero Tolerance. And they are a little more laid back, karting is to enjoy, sure there will be some "discussions" but nothing like the stock car kart racing I have seen at circuits around the UK in other classes. But that driving standard/mentality is driven by other factors, not the engine or the class. Its up to you to avoid those classes where that seems to be acceptable or uncontrollable behavior. Or indeed very difficult to police.
In all fairness I think the positive points from above is Tabors intention with the Blue series. I cannot comment on any earlier decisions made by them. I can only comment on my experience to date.
Looks like Summer is over so back to some seriously cold karting days out over the winter.