I said somewhere else here that it is a damn difficult job doing observing, and particularly so where there is a lot of contact (and when classes are combined such as IAME and Honda). Every parent should step into the field as an observer for 2 or 3 meetings to see how hard it is. The problem is the Clerks aren't hard enough - so I'm all for the new nose (and preferably brake lights too). Some classes have respect for each other and the rules - they're a delight to observe/marshall as contact is race and clearly accidental and the drivers have apologised before they leave parc ferme. On the other hand, other classes have a "win at all costs" mentality and have forgotten that this is/was a gentleman's sport.
We left Kimbolton when the son of a rich family in a big motorhome etc knocked my son off (for the 6th time in 4 meetings) and then was overheard plotting with a friend to give false evidence about the collision. So Observers/Marshalls - many of us know you're doing your best and some of us who have been in the field know how dificult your job is - My view is that there are not enough track reports because there are not enough observers When I observed I followed up each track report with the Clerks and only about 1 in 20 resulted in a penalty. I race too so I know what is a racing incident and what is poor driving. When I asked Clerks to to justify why they were ruling matters as a racing incident when the track report said blatent cheating! the answer I got - and it wasn't at Kimbolton - was "The drivers stories were different - one said he was crashed into, the other said it was a racing incident (unsurprising that!) and in the absence of further evidence the Clerks had to rule a racing incident - I did point out that the track report should have been the further evidence - and I was then told that if the Clerks penalise the drivers, they complain and threaten to leave. (This of course completely ignoring the victims that the Clerks never see who just leave). Bring on the new nose.