Your Son enjoys standing starts SLK!!!!!!!!?????????
Seriously though, I do despair of this namby pamby culture we have nurtured where people try and wrap everyone in cotton wool and everyone feels insulted if a conversation or situation doesn't go their way.
I think Man the F Up is more that apt and appropriate.
I remember the situation with children's rugby recently and WE (the MSA) ended up with a rugby executive. Fortunately, just as I predicted, he didn't last very long at all.
Do you remember the hairbrained idea Labour had to not publish school children's football results if the goal difference was more than a couple of goals for fear of upsetting the little darlings.
What a sorry state of affairs we have allowed to infiltrate our society.
Perhaps it is something in the water we drink after all.
Just to clarify the sort of things they come up with, this is the NEW children's rugby rules, which incidentally is largely ignored by many clubs because they don't agree with it.
Provide a progressive player pathway that will enhance the way in which our players are developed in a more incremental manner Provide a game which is in line with the principles of Child Development based on extensive research and expertise Increase involvement of all players Emphasis on competitive performance not competitive outcome Encourage less structure (encourage skills and discourage fear of failure) Make the game easier to understand and referee Less emphasis on contact and more on continuity in early years Rewarding intention to tackle in early years as much as ability to tackle.
'Less emphasis on contact, GOOD GOD, it's RUGBY, not F'ing tiddly winks! Get stuck in Boyo!
If that isn't town Hall council meeting Speke for "we haven't got a clue what we're doing", I don't know what is.