Does the problem come from the teams? Does the problem come from the parents? Does the problem comes from the track design? Does the problem come from the start speed? Does the problem come from the MSA? Does the problem come from the A B k C? Does the problem come from the officials? Does the problem come from the observers? Does it come from people who are allegedly NGfK? Does it come from too much plastic Tupperware, probably? Does it require a stupid fally off gizmo as a remedy, NO! Does it come from the drivers, DEFINITELY!
So why in the name of all good sense, do they not tackle the bloody problem at source and continue to try to nail more useless bits of unworkable remedial ball breakinly claptrapingly brainless-stormingly infantile ideas on to a collapsing House of Cards?
There. I think that says it in plain English rather than in "I don't have a clue but I'll dress it up in gobbledygook that reads:
"In any recognised risk assessment model, that is never going to be an acceptable solution unless you can be absolutely guaranteed that the likelihood reduces to negligible levels." (Sorry but that's Town Hall council meeting my book.)
It's a motor sport folks, it 's got risks, that's why you do it.
Take away the risk and you've taken away the FUNdamental reason for putting your r's in the seat.
You just have to resurrect the mutual respect for each other on the track and realise that if you don't all get to the end of the race, then you don't know if you're any good.
There's only one winner in a race but you can win and you will still be a full on loser if you didn't win fairly.
And anyone who does have to resort to firing people or cheating is definitely no good and any trophy you have on the shelf has no merit at all.
Just tell the drivers that if they don' ALL get throughout the first corner, you stop the race and put it back and re-run it if there's time, if not, they lose it.
Perhaps it's only me who can see the simplicity in sorting the problem, it's logical isn't it, or have I been sitting too close to my old luminous watch and I've mutated to having talking ballarks?