It's got more response bottom end out of a corner than a max because there Is no powervalve and it revs to 16000 plus.
It has less midrange and a little more top end.
Yes they use more oil.
The carb is not like a tkm carb. The walbro is horrible creation The Tilly we use is adjustable both main jet and low jet on track. It doesn't need kitting every weekend either like the tkm one, I have two carbs and they perform the same.
On same tires there similar in performance.
On a green track we are a lot quicker on the komets, but on a well rubbe red in track with good temp the times look the same.
They are more fun to drive, which for me is the main thing. It's unsealed, so no hidden cheating or sealing monopolies.
I run myself and find I have more time between races with the x30 as I don't have to take the carb apart every session to change a jet!