Yes, it is perfectly legal for MSA, the dye doesn't affect the fuel in any measurable way. For one thing, the amount of dye is small, say 0.1cc in a litre of oil, (10000:1) which is then diluted 40:1 when mixed with the petrol, resulting in 400,000:1
For another thing, it is the stuff that firms like Castrol use so that they can differentiate products by colour. It was recommended to me by Castrol, rather than using leather or fabric dye from a craft shop.
We use different oils for running in and 'normal' and with 7 karts in the pit, there's often three kinds of fuel around (mixed, run-in and generator/raw) so it is easy to remember Blue=Boeing=747, Red=R=R40 and clear is unmixed.
As for shaking the can and watching the bubbles, well, it is a bit late when the grid has been called, you have just filled the tank and then had a "Was it?" moment.
And though it may be heresy to some, it's easy to keep fuel from one meeting to another (no, it doesn't go off that fast in a sealed can) and know whether what you have is mixed or clean without counting the bubbles.