How/why would a Rotax stall? the clutch comes in well over 3k rpm? Assuming they would still do a rolling lap to warm tyres and engine........ cruise to the usual point where the marshall lets them collect then move onto the grid, where they will not switch off engines they will expect, if everybody behaves themselves to be sat for a region of 3~5 seconds then go.? There should not be the F1 style loitering to re-form while the front of the grid boils because they will cruise a mere 100 metre ish. Clutches are better than they were. Can any one tell me how many years ago it was when standing start were last tried, kart reliability has vastly improved of late. I personnally think the O plate scared a few, but it is a one meet championship where they only had one chance, the S1 consists of several meets accumilating points....... so the S1 lot should be racing with a different aptitude,.... Rome was not built in a day.