"They will drive a lot more sensible if the risks are high..... Is it really that hard to see the correlation? "
The world of cars suggests that there is correlation. The added safety features for the driver of the modern car has resulted in an increase in the speed that they drive and an increase in the speeds they have accidents.
However, it has made little or no difference to how they regard those outside the car. The problem is not directly the lack of safety features on your kart but the willingness of the other guy to take chances, confident that they aren't going to have an accident. It is a common comment that cadets and some juniors 'have no fear' and some drive as if it was a video game.
If Alonso and Massa can come wheel to wheel and survive, Junior cannot see why that doesn't apply to him.
"Motorbike riders don't run into each other....."
Oh yes they do. It is a regular part of the commentary that two MotoGP riders have rubbed fairings, elbows and sometimes more. The phrase "stood him up in the pass" means exactly that: one driver has chanced it. Do we want inexperienced drivers being "stood up " in karting?