yeah where were the penalties at the weekend? surely it doesnt take 3 attempts to start a race, send a clear message and send them to the back after the first false start, simple. the supplementry regs did state that any acceleration before the first line was not allowed, most where winding up a good 10-15ft before that, no penalties! any contact from behind should be met with points in my opinion which lead to a exclusion from the heat, unless you can show it was a racing incident. ( saying he broke too early into the corner is not an excuse, if you cant stop without hitting him then thats your fault) if you lack the skill to get by cleanley then you dont deserve to win. i was watching on the hill by the second hairpin, the amount of drivers that deliberatley use the kart in front as a break into the corner or to help them around the inside by rubbing up against the outside kart was a joke.