See we are getting somewhere :-) We start off at polar opposites and meet somewhere near the middle.
By going out on a more extreme concept we naturally get to a compromise that will suit the majority.
You have highlighted the need for some form of test to race to safe guard against nutters and a central database system. This is 100% what the MSA license does. But the increase in IKR and decrease in MSA tells me things are wrong currently and need adapting.
So instead of having a PACK we have an online option and test if you choose. You can then book in your ARKS practical at the track of your choice which includes your days testing (value for money).
I don't want to drive people away from from MSA Karting but unless they adapt then what choice have we got.
Its like the PG license. thats just money making and greed. Scrap it it causes more hassle than its worth.
Simple overnight solutions. If a kid does the written test online, or adult and instantly gets feedback they have passed or failed. they can book and pay for their test upfront. LETs get with the 21st century.