" Your nick clegg I'm Nigel farage lol"
I am more worried that you are Alex Salmond, utterly determined that all the companies stating that they will leave his economy are bluffing.
If the companies aren't bluffing, what happens then? Suddenly the quality of service either becomes very expensive or unobtainable and it is likely that Salmond would be forced into extreme actions with unforeseen consequences.
As various Scots have told me, Salmond is wooing the very young, inexperienced or immature voter simply because they will vote 'Braveheart' rather than considering the wider consequences.
Your problem may well come when you have to confront the problems that your attractive advertising ("We are going to solve the commercial or practical problems of karting by rebellion organised by social media") creates.
Elsewhere someone suggest that no-one has ever had their licence revoked, yet every year the MSA publishes notices exactly to that effect. Multiply the number of drivers by 3 (so 10,000 people driving owner driver karts, not unthinkable) and the need for some system of preventing people from endangering others becomes obvious.
It won't be any use wringing our hands in regret when someone is killed and saying "Well we knew Tyson drove dangerously at X last month and then two weeks ago he smashed people into the tyres and today, well poor Johnny never stood a chance but he should never have got in Tyson's way. What a shame there was no mechanism to stop that sort of driver". One track owner ringing another just won't cut it!
I agree that many of the problems seem to be unintended consequences of good intentions bent out of shape by circumstances and become costly. I'm not sure that simply ignoring the needs or circumstances in the spirit of revolution is a solution.
You seem to understand that I am trying to pose a logical debate of the issue, on a karting forum. But let us not imagine that this concerns any where near a majority of karters, but rather the 20 or so regulars. Even ABkC on Facebook only musters 228 members, less than 10 percent of MSA licence holders though through its 34 associated clubs it should have a far wider reach.
So how many karters represents a significant sample taking part in this debate?