Am I the only one who finds the situation ironic?
A few days ago Banzai was stating that he had the full agreement, co-operation and support of Colin Wright as Chairman of the ABkC. He even stated that his questionnaire came from Colin.
Graham Smith told us that Banzai had been at ABkC meetings and the ABkC welcomed his input.
Now "It's a closed society" and you are only allowed to be a member if you are known personally to Banzai because "what we are discussing is secret" and not to be heard by the MSA or the ABkC or presumably any of their clubs or affiliated organisations.
It hardly inspires one with confidence in the quality or the integrity of the organisation, but they have great advertising slogans "We are the ones against authority" and "It's all for the good of karting".
It's the next bit that becomes difficult. Once one has decided the changes one wants, how does one enforce 'your' rules? Surely not by invoking "authority", rules and penalties for infringements; that's so 'old school'.
Plus ca change....