The main advantages teams have is that if they have 5 drivers out they get 5 lots of information in one session (depending on how good the driver feedback is) plus they have the capacity to watch the track conditions as they change whereas dad and boy will be busy with set up. If they run multiple classes they see how the track is evolving. With a flock of drivers they are out most weekends so have a depth of information to use. Very difficult to challenge - not impossible. For those who cant or don't want to run with teams for whatever reason join forces- pit together and share info. Look at what makes the team successful. Money you wont sort but some things you can challenge. Prep time is essential so that extra night in the garage is worth at least a 10th. Read around for tips and ask questions. Although some teams wont help you will find an awful lot will with advice and tips. Interesting at Kartmania there were some lectures from very experienced people and only a couple of folk turned up to listen and ask questions. There were some gems of tips that were given, we have tried and do work- so its out there- just harder than someone doing it for you.