As I dislike all religions, equally, I certainly don't put the adherents in any social order of superior/inferior. I just suspect that most of us would prefer to be allowed to make a choice about our 'religion' which doesn't seem to be quite so acceptable under current supposedly Muslim regimes.
I agree with most of what you say about 'true' Muslims and what you say about Islamic Extreme Dictatorships.
However, I thought you might get the hint that I was using partial 'tongue in cheek' from the inclusion of the French within the group of people who COULD have invaded us! That's just TOO funny! Just think: the French have invented 1,500 different types of cheese but they STILL haven't managed to invent Cheddar! Keep working at it you Frenchies!
Do I have to put 'Tee Hee' every time I include (what I think of as) a joke?
Still, this probably ends this discussion as we seem to mostly agree and it's probably not the place to go further. Let's take it elsewhere, if you want to.