Ah... thanks both.
Mine is a little more as you describe Ajc.
It's just that I had loosened or tightened the rear nuts without giving too much thought as to what was going on beyond that.
I have the ally grommets but was concerned as the original pieces were rubber what would happen in a shunt to the chassis with metal on metal.
So presumably the tension to the rubber expansion thing is then caused by the crimping effect from both ends and there is no need for a 17mm nut in the middle doing that job?
Question though, which is preferable in a Zip? To create tension to the rubber by crimping it by pressure to both ends (so the bumper is tight up to the chassis). Or by having a centre nut doing this so the rubber is tight in the chassis tubes but then letting the bumper be loose or tight on the locking nut at the back?
Thanks again