There were a few motor issues in the early days, but that has all been resolved...lots of people are realising that Rotax is not the class for them , and are looking for an my opinion that is KGP.
Rotax , on paper, looks the ideal class, it is supposed to offer reality it offers the opposite. S1 themselves have had to introduce pooled engines, because of the inequality of Rotax Max.
We have done 3 meeting in KGP..finished 3rd in the O Plate...Won the kartmasters GP..nowhere at Clay S1 (taken off)....we have done "zero" test days before any of these meetings. We just turned up and raced. The motors have been 100% reliable, as the the carbs.... The carbs are easy to set , by the driver on the fixed jets. The motors are faster than Rotax, and are all very similar on monster or special motors in KGP!!!
Rotax started as a good class, in the early days, but unfortunately, in my opinion certain people have ruined it. I am a big supporter of the club driver, always have been , always will be. I like the underdog to have a S1 Rotax he has no chance at all.....the class at that level is completely dominated by 2 companies...I am sure that is not what Rotax intended when the introduced the class.
KGP offers "any" driver the chance to compete on level terms.