I take a number of different views on that:
1) I made the decision to buy EVERY tool that I needed. This was because I was in Karting for the LONG haul and, if I was likely to need the tool many times, it would be a damn sight cheaper buying one that paying someone else to use the same tool.
2) I'd look for a second hand one which will be a LOT cheaper.
3) the full quote is: 'he who DIES with the most toys is the winner'
4) It's cheaper: show the wife that paying someone to do ABC will cost X but buying the tool and doing it yourself costs X-Y. Obviously, that one only works if you only need the one tool to complete the job. Check to see if the crank LOOKS as though it is going-round-true (look for detectable 'wobble' on the end of the crank). If it's enough to make the engine 'mis-fire' it should be visible. If it IS twisted, then you'll almost certainly need an engine rebuilder to do it for you as you'll need a number of tools for that job. If it rotates 'true' then you can probably just buy the puller and refit it with a new 'key'.
5) BORROW one! Place your request to borrow one here and wait for the offers that SHOULD come.