Most of the above is correct. Full 'corner weighting' is a complete WASTE OF TIME! Why? Because the slightest movement of the driver's head changes the side-to-side weighing. Any static measurement is hard to get correct because we do NOT sit with our head still while racing.
Secondly, left right EXACT balance is NOT important as we do NOT race on tracks which have EXACTLY the same number of left corners (total angle) as RIGHT corners. For precision, we always have 360 degrees MORE one way than the other except on 'figure or eight' shaped tracks like Suzuka. If you doubt me, think of Indianapolis. It has 360 LEFT corners and 0 right. Now put a chicane on the straight: then you will turn as far Left as you have to turn BACK right to get onto the straight again and thus there is STILL 360 degrees more corners left than right! Finally, build your track from Scalextric and COUNT the left an right corner angles!
However, front to rear weight distribution is FAR more important.... and can be set pretty well..... so long as you remember the driver leans backward and forward in a corner..... but not as much as they move side to side.
The second big problem is that the floor where you take the measurements has HUGE effects on the 4 sets of scales UNLESS you floor is COMPLETELY flat. 1 millimetre difference in height of one part of the floor will give a BIZARRE reading.
Actually, you can get a pretty close front-to-rear reading with ONE set of scales but 2 sets is easier and 4 sets are easiest. If you want to do it the 'cheap way' I can email you how to do it with one set of bathroom scales...... so long as the wife/girlfriend/mum doesn't catch you!
If you use 4 sets, simply take LOADS of readings rotating the kart on the scales from (for example) North-South, East-West, South-North, West-East.... then move the SCALES around and take the average of each set of readings. That will take out errors of slightly different height scales and/or slightly uneven floor.
Front rear..... as a general rule-of-thumb, you are looking for a weight distribution, with the driver FULLY dressed in race gear WITH the fuel full to the level you'd race at, of:-
Dry: 40% front: 60% rear Wet: 45% front: 55% rear
Also, forgot to say, the tyres MUST be to the right pressure AND must have ZERO wear or EXACTLY even wear for each axle.
Finally, if you know your floor is PERFECTLY level, and 4 PERFECTLY equal-height scales, you be able to detect twists in the chassis, stub axles and non-straight rear axle mountings.
Getting the PERFECT flat floor is difficult, expensive and/or time consuming if you are going to construct a 'jig' out of steel I-beams...... but it IS possible..... and VERY attractive!.