I don't want to get involved in an argument, but can tell you how I got to where I am.
The NKRA and NKF Championships are great, but haven't really worked for TKM in the North West. Rather than work backwards towards something that hasn't really worked out, the Midlands based TKM Championship has been successful, and whilst the Northern version is unlikely to be an exact mirror, it is an extremely good model of a championship supported by the MSA, the clubs involved, the competitors, and by TKM themselves.
I'm not sure that a Grand Finale is really necessary. TKM already has an excellent and well-supported annual festival (which I am sadly not at, and wish I was :( ). However the idea of an end of season inter inter club has been discussed and might yet happen.
You mention a lot of what I see as good practice in the way the NKRA runs a Championship; keeping costs down and putting the needs of competitors first. If I am to retain an involvement with setting this up it will be run with the same ethos.
Don't think I haven't considered NKRA, and in actual fact NKF probably in a bigger way as I have been very impressed by the way they run their championship too. But for the moment I am pursuing what I believe to be the most likely route to getting some TKM grids back to the clubs in the North West. I'm doing this for 3 reasons only: I think it might work, no-one else is going to do it, I'm too tight to buy and run a Rotax.
If we can't get something off the ground I'm sure there will be plenty of people to tell us where we went wrong. If we do get something going there will be plenty of people telling us how we could have done it better. I'll accept either of the above, I just don't want to see TKM disappear from my local circuits and to know I didn't do anything about it.
I've made a bit of progress with getting relevant people on board, and it's got to be said everyone I have approached so far has been 100% supportive. I still think it might actually happen...