Rich this probably my last ever post as losing the will to live.We are Shenington members and PFI and do Super 1 the world hates us.
Why do we have have the IAME green mnan at the same time the super drivers turn up and wreck club meetings surely this could be spread out?
As for classes here we go and if I miss something out let me know.....Honda cadet,iame cadet,comer cadet.junior tkm, minimax, senior tkm,senior rotax,junior rotax,177 rotax,177 rotax masters,kgp,210,assorted gearbox.........lets then kf anything.....supercadet ...trolley races I am sure I have missed omething....surely we have to admit this is madness...lets see a club run all of them!
The tome has come surely!....and I know I have missed a number of classes!