1) if you say so 2) if you say so 3) if you say so.... (more money than sense!) 4) .....but, oh boy, you'll enjoy it so much when one of those extra components DOES fail before a big final! Failure of mechanical components is a 'given'. It WILL occur, given time! 5) If you are NOT stalling on over-run, then you are probably running the engine at too high a tick-over! 6) No, you CANNOT starve the engine of fuel before the start because, if you do, it will stall. You CAN reduce the fuel intake by pinching the pipe..... but you CANNOT starve it. Those with NO clutch can starve the motor entirely as, so long as they are still rolling, the engine will fire again as soon as they un-pinch the closed pipe. If YOU pinch the pipe closed, the engine stalls, the clutch disengages and you'll need the starter because you CANNOT bump start it! 7) Errr.... rubbish.... if the engine is still ticking over ENOUGH to keep the clutch engaged under braking, that compromises the braking and the engine cooling. 8) Yeah...... ! If your diet was successful, you could have mounted the extra lead (instead) where you CHOSE on the kart, not where you are forced to use it, high up on the side of the motor! 9) I didn't say it should be your excuse, I just quoted a 'fact'! Personally, I don't believe that a light flywheel makes any difference on a kart but others DO! 10) That's why you didn't answer it (!)
I am NOT trying to be mean.... it's just that you are now a mature driver, you DON'T fall off that often so what the HELL are you getting from a clutch that just bribing two mates with a few pints and a chicken sandwich couldn't get you??? That lot will be cheaper than buying a clutch and starter .... plus all the service costs. Just ask yourself what you are GETTING from the clutch that makers it worthwhile.
Then ask why so few FRONT runners (if any) DO use a clutch. That is NOT a coincidence!