Although the TKM BT82 are not the fastest motors they will be competitive with what your friends have and you can rebuild them very easily and there is a massive amount of information available on them and parts are very easy to come by.
You can pick them up from about 300 quid and you can easily do 20 hours on them and more if you dont run them too lean and you treat 15,500 revs as a maximum. If you do go down the BT82 route make sure you get one that is 115cc, this is called an extreme motor. The other BT82 is called a junior motor and is 100cc.
Question for Itpro. Would any of the motors you mentined still be quicker than a BT82 if you took a couple of thousand revs off the top end and are parts still readily available for them. I only ask because I wouldn't mind one myself to mess about on.