From memory (i haven't got the laptop to hand), the calibration part of the software asks you for your altitude and pressure readings from your weather station and also the altitude and pressure readings from the local weather station. The software then corrects the difference - the aiport / RAF base readings are likely to be more accurate than the weather station that you are using, hence the need to calibrate.
The Tillotson carbs and diaphragms are of much better quality than the Trytons. However, I am still at the early stage of testing the software so only time will tell...! We are racing at Rissington this weekend so I will probably have a better idea on the accuracy of the whole thing by next week. I have re-kitted the carb since it was dynod and there did not seem to be any noticeable effect on the settings (apart from the pop-off changed by 1-2psi which I think is probably negligible). I would guess that when you have an engine rebuild done, the carb would need to be re-dynoed and the software adjusted accordingly.
I did not measure the specific gravity of the fuel, but used one of the figures included in the software - I tend to use regular Shell unleaded and 'M' 2-stroke oil.
From testing the other day, the software suggested richer settings than I was expecting and I fully expected to see a 'wet' plug after running. However, the plug stayed a good sandy colour on the insulator and the engine temp actually went up slightly - contrary to what I was expecting to see.
Hope this helps !