.......you may already have done so, but make sure the 2 bolts on the disk carrier are tightened equally - by this I mean do one up a little then the other, then the first etc until they are eventually both tight as you can get them
I found that if you do one bolt fully tight then do the other one, even a new disc may not run true as the carrier has been slightly 'twisted' by incorrectly tightening
I also found it to be more effective when doing this job to spin the axle and apply the brake a couple of times whilst still spinning the axle and then applying the brake pedal HARD to lock it up before the carrier had been tightened which tended to centralise the disc and then, with the pressure still applied from the final press, tighten as above - the disc carrier HAS to be able to move freely on the axle to start with
others may have differeing views, but this worked for us