I trust you mean, how much does THIS weld affect the price of THIS chassis. Well, it depends on how well it's done and by whom and if it was in an unexpected area, or had unknown causes. In this case, it's pretty much as expected and should have been re-welded superbly.... so... the answer is: not a lot!
I have to say, if you are that concerned about it, just walk away. What will heppen is that, if you are not doing world-class-times, then it will always be in your mind that: 'It's that blasted weld that's slowing us'. In reality, it won't be the weld but.... we all end up blaming something!
Simon Wright's stuff is beautifully made and, if this is your first chassis, it'd be hard to beat on which to learn.
Learn your stuff on it. When you can repeat a fast (within 1 to 2 seconds of race winner's times) lap time FIVE LAPS IN A ROW, consistently, i.e., within 1/10 of a second for all 5 laps... then it'll be time to think about another chassis. Until then, 90% of your lack of speed will be the DRIVER!
Before you get to that consistency, you'll have a few visits over the kerbs, into the barriers, into other karts and you'd be DAFT to have bought a brand new spotless chassis when you are only going to bash it about while you learn. It's what we ALL did when we started to learn!
By the time you have learned, your brand new chassis will be JUST as bashed about as this one will be. It therefore make MUCH more sense to buy a good, cheaper, older chassis than a newer, more expensive one! They'll both be worth the same amount once you've had your learning experiences on them!