Mike our posts overlapped.
I lnow whom you are and have no issue with your figures - thanks for putting them on here; nice to see someone at the top end sharing info with those that want to learn!!
Noted there are loads of variables so why bother with this. Simple answer - iron out as many variables as you can control so you only have to fight with the ones you can't. I'm an engineer and try to engineer out or in to improve our lot!
I'm usually the last one still working on my son's kart on the sat night after testing before race day, putting in place what we think we have learnt on test day, maybe 80% of what I do makes no difference, I don't know so I do as much as I can. In most case it must work because with do well / win at our level.
My comment ref. diff flow rates for the same measured jet size might be partly down to the hole being more oval on some than other jets. Or it could be differing shapes of the jet through crosssection. i don't suppose you would be testing knackered old jets with big screwdriver burrs etc unless you wanted to develop a full range of jets/flows.
Finally I never thought about the obvious on back to back carb testing with the same jets. I suppose what ever jets you have - swap the whole set (idle jets etc, maybe excluding needle jet as long as it is servicible) over when carb testing.