I think there is a bit of poetic licence being exercised in their advertising.
It claims their adjustment accuracy is 2 minutes, or 1/30th of a degree. This would give you accuracy to an eleven thousandth of a turn, (10800 identifiable and 'easily settable' positions for each turn of the screw if you want to be precise). For the 16mm bar on my HL carb the end moves 0.002 mm, one 50th of the thickness of a sheet of paper.
I suspect they mean 2 minutes on the clock face, some 12 degrees, more or less a tad but a bit less than a tweak .
You can lose 7/10ths on a strong tweak easily.
It's probably the fault of the MSA for allowing the inaccurate OK units(Old Karting measures)to exist into the 21st century, and scrutineers will be looking out for non-compliant adjustment next year.