Mind you, Banzai, we’ve discussed all this at great length already in the much more readable format available elsewhere :)
Sure there’s a huge degree of apathy, on which vested interests feed. However, in my own personal experience active input is welcome only if the face (and views) fit.
That’s why the future will inevitably involve further, substantial decline in the number of MSA licence holders and MSA kart racing grids. There is zero effort going into addressing this, as far as I can see. Having said that, it could of course be that the very practical suggestion of davidmc, Banzai and others to limit MSA karting governance to the likes of S1 is their own ultimate plan anyway.
Meanwhile, practical / sensible consolidation as well as cost cutting in what will in any case be a smaller market is urgently required, but will be fiercely resisted.
By the bye, picking up on this topic having been started in the 2-stroke forum, the future will not be 2-stroke in perpetuity: sorry.
Am I wrong? See you in a year’s time.