Hi guys cheers for replying back some really interesting info there,I'm definately thinking about starting him out at hooton, I've heard good things there, It seems to me most people seem to be going to these non Msa tracks these days, are they the way forward? I'm toying about with even getting myself a cheap tkm to take too to throw around, I used to have a few tkms a few yrs ago but never got round to doing arks and getting kart up to msa spec! I'm really gonna try to encourage him though, he's been on a few of the fairground karts and I know they're nothing like comers etc lol! But he loved it and loves watching any sort of f1 or racing on tv, even watched le man with me for hours the other week!!! So I'm hoping it's something he doesn't need pushing on I just want to encourage and support him although it will always be on a budget as we're not mega rich like some parents! I had a local neighbour down the rd who was racing in kf2 I think it was but went all over Europe and the money he spent on racing was unbelievable!