What ever you do do not go out an buy a kart straight away. Take your son to a local Racing for Buttons type scheme for a few weeks and see if he really wants to do it. Many dads go out and spend a small fortune on a full bambino / cadet set up and then the kid decides he is not interested. I have benefitted from buying a virtually new bambino and cadet kart from dads who have done this for half the price they paid. If you are on a tight budget and you want to be competitive, then your best option is Honda. The grids are well supported across the country and many of the top drivers are privateers rather than running with teams which is the case in Comer. WTP is dying a slow death but you may be able to find a very cheap WTP set up which will allow your son to practice as for the first 12-months it doesn't matter what you are driving as long as he spends as much time in the seat as possible. Keep going to your local club and look at grid sizes and speak with as many people as possible.