I don't usually bother reading the drivel of an idiot but....
So, you are claiming that 'hopping' is induced by having an 'inconvenient' axle 'frequency'.... not the FLEXIBILITY of the 'loose' end of the axle?
We already know we COULD change that frequency by simply adding a SMALL collar to the axle as that, too, would alter the 'frequency'. We could even use a RANGE of collars.... but you'd suggest the one-off, irreversible step of sawing OFF a length of the axle..... And, what happens if you have GUESSED the 10cm length WRONGLY? How are you going to PUT IT BACK?
Had you been karting for 5 minutes, you'd KNOW that all this CR*P had been tried MANY times before. We used to be told that the axle vibration COULD be 'tuned' by clamping aluminium hollow DUMB BELLS to our axles. These were ANOTHER 'fashion item' that was, once again, the 'Emperor's New Clothes' ..... Do you see MANY of those axle damper clamps in use today? So, how did THEY disapper from the tool-kit of karters....? Because they DIDN'T CHANGE THE HANDLING BY ANY SIGNIFICANT DEGREE. But.... for a while, the Placebo effect worked FABULOUSLY.... for those SELLING them to the GULLIBLE!
Just try to consider the main vibrational FREQUENCY of the axle. Yes, it WILL change( like your tubular bell) if you EXTEND or shorten it. BUT.... do you REALLY think that altering the frequency of the note sounded by the axle which is measured in HUNDREDS of hertz (cycles per second) will alter Hopping which occurs in the frequency range of SINGLE cycles per second? Yes it IS possible that the axle will 'ring' at (for example) 400 hertz and shortening the axle MIGHT bring the frequency to an EXACT sypathetic harmony with that (e.g. 10 cycles per second) and that MIGHT (but WON'T) make a difference... might EXTENDING the axle by 10cms make it 'harmonise'. Or clamping a mass round the axle, or any OTHER un-measured alteration, or shortening it by 1mm, or 1.95968mm...... or just moving the inward or outward by 1 MICRON or any OTHER guessed-at amount. There are NO ways to KNOW what the effect will be unless we MEASURE EVERY POSSIBLE CHANGE..... and I suppose you'll tell me that YOU do..... well..... do YOU? This is so close to my Homeopathy analogy as to be funny!
What you are suggesting is that we know S*D *LL about the axle's 'frequency' but we KNOW it's "wrong" so we'll make an IRREVERSIBLE change to a 'new' frequency hoping that MAGICALLY, we have guessed the CORRECT ferquency without ever having a CLUE what we've changed it from, by and to.......
I BET you buy Homeopatic remedies!
Oh... by the way, you know s*d all about guitar strings, too, because you CAN push them. How do YOU think we push them through the holes in the body, machine heads and/or bridge. Strings a simply M*O*R*E flexible rods than AXLES!
Next, if you knew ANYTHING about guitars, you'd know that the part of the string that is over the fretted section (i.e., in my example, the string above frets 1,2,3 and 4) is at the EXACT same tension as REST of the string! In THAT case, it's EXACTLY like the axle 'after' the hub.
Tubular bells are left to 'ring' with both ends of the tube being 'unclamped and undamped' (as far as possible). That is very clearly NOT the case with an axle. A closer analogy would be with a school measuring ruler ('rule' for pedantics) pressed to a school desk. The length of the ruler ON the desk does NOT affect the 'note': it's only the 'twanged' UN-clamped 'free' end of the ruler that affects the pitch! That is MUCH closer to the axle analogy!
Anyway, I've wasted anough time with an Idiot. I'll wait for a John, who IS a grown-up and who HAS driven a kart! He also understands PHYSICS.... better than I do!! And those are the reasons why I respect his views.... and not YOURS!