That's not quite what I was saying.
QoT and I don't think supposed changes in axle stiffness makes MUCH difference. For precision, he thinks it makes ZERO difference, and I think it make a small difference, nowhere NEAR as much as is claimed by the majority.
However, I thought we were discussing shortening the axle, specifically, to the point where the only actual change if to reduce the contact patch between the axle-and-hub. Unless the hub is 'sliding' on the axle, I cannot, for trhe life of me, see HOW it can make a difference. Must hubs would be stiffer than most axles!
How do YOU see 'circumcising' the axle in this way as changing the handling?
My view is that, percentage-wise, the placebo effect would be MUCH greater than any handling changes.
However, I will accept that, as I have never tried it, I COULD be wrong. On that point, I haven't tried Homeopathy nor a Lucky Rabbit's Foot either and yet:-
1) I know intelligent people who BELIEVE that Homeopathy WORKS! 2) I know ;ess intelligent people who believe that Rabbit's Feet work, too.
Those show that belief in something's effects does NOT mean that it HAS an ACTUAL effect (beyond placebo).