Persoanally, I think that will have the exact reverse effect! Narrow the axle and you will change your "Centre of Gravity" to the "axle width" 'ratio' and the propblems will get WORSE. It'll INCREASE the chance of hopping and will make BOTH of you more likely overturn the kart!
Think it through.... which is easiest to push-over sideways... a kart or a bicycle (one is wide, the other is narrow)?
Now imagine you have a vertical pole welded to a cross member of your kart. You want to turn the kart over onto its side but you are ONLY allowed to push the pole sideways (horizontally) (that's exactly like cornering). Which do YOU think would be easier to do... a kart of the standard width or one MUCH narrower... let's say 2 feet wide....? Your CAT could push over a 2 foot wide kart!
Wider makes it HARDER to 'lift a wheel', narrower makes it easier.
You need to think through what's actually happening that makes the kart 'hop'. It's a repeating cycle between too MUCH grip (lifting the wheel) and then too LITTLE grip when there's now only one wheel on the ground and even that is at an angle to the track..... allowing the kart to fall BACK again onto two wheels.... increasing the grip again and causing lift to start all over again..... and so on....!
Of course, this is just my opinion!