" is that we now have 2 contradictory sets of regs:"
Only in your own mind.
Circuit racing 14.4.2 states that leaving the circuit more than twice is not permitted and that leaving the circuit occurs when all wheels are over the white line.
Karting 12.5.3 re-iterates the rules against leaving the track
12.5.4 says "Where a Driver consistently drives with a wheel off the track or leaves the track, this may be deemed driving in a manner incompatible with general safety and the Driver may be excluded from the race at the discretion of the Clerk of the Course."
which refers to a totally different offence.
The fact is that karts are much more susceptible to loss of control than cars because of the small size of the wheels in relations to the edge of the track, so it is just common sense.
It is no more contentious than the fact that there are regulations about the use of rear view mirrors in circuit racing that don't apply to karting.
" why don't they ever think things through properly?"
They have. It's you that has assumed it says something different that hasn't thought things through.