Hold on here.....
Firstly: please be assured, this is not and WAS not S*O*L*E*Y about Rotax.... it was a comment about ALL of the classes! Rotax may be LESS 'affected' than others but I STRONGLY doubt that it's NOT affected AT A*L*L!
However, there are PLENTY of other things you can 'repair or replace' between races in the Rotax (et al) than replacing a piston EVERY TIME.....! For the QUICK boys who have 'tame engine builders', they CAN open their motors and not worry about the JOKE 'sealing' charge!
Do you REALLY think the engines of the 'top three' remain SEALED over night.....?
But I was NOT O*N*L*Y talking about Rotax.... I was talking about ALL racing classes! I know that WE opened our engines over night and I know LOADS of TKM racers who did so, also! I doubt that a SINGLE 'quick' TKM racer did NOT open their 'best' engine and do a THOUROUGH check and replace anything that looked marginal between the 1st and 2nd days of the Festival!
I used to dismantle/rebuild the 125 Gbox engines before the finals on BIG race days! You do it just to CHECK that everything is working correctly and that nothing is showing signs of incipient failure. Are you HONESTLY saying that Rotax 'top three' do NOT FULLY inspect their motor overnight....? Do you REALLY think their engine builder leaves it to CHANCE.... when there's SO much at stake for them FINANCIALLY if their motor wins the 'Final'?
For most Rotax racers, breaking the seal means that a 'rebuild' is sensible because of the cost of 'resealing'. That REDUCES the numbers who open their Rotax motors overnight. However, it doesn't worry ALL the Rotax brigade.... especially if they have a 'good relationship' with an engine builder!