I would have thought a seat has two planes, the back of the seat and the bottom of the seat? So ABCD hasnt worked for me (nothing personal paul)
That said im definatly bamboozled after posting originally, im now EXTREEMLY CONFUSED LOL
I have came to the conclusiom with a certain seat maker/seller that it is far more important to get driver comfort than than go along with an apparent miracle flexi seat.. i also understand from what ive been told (in the past) that the lip of the seat gives u the rigidity and the back of the seat has little to do with the over all rigidity of the seat. If i remeber right i was told 'imagine the seat with no lip it would have no strength' if you actually cut away at the seat edge it tend to be down hill from there and the seat start to crack up, and that id talking from experience which backs up that the lip is what created the rigidity of any seat. So surely if thats the case i can have taller seat sides and depth???