"You are the one who quoted the plane ABCD: now EXPLAIN what you mean while USING that frame of reference!"
read and understand what i wrote. i said nothing of moving a single point.
"Perhaps you'd also like to list those drivers that YOU know who are not capable of making a kart/car with more consistent handling deliver faster lap times than one which is INconsistent!"
any driver of a vehicle where the 'good' handling window is narrow and drops off unpredictably either side. there is a chance to deliver a fast lap time but its more a lottery than a show of skill.
"Do remember, that ONE of your claims has been that the seat won't improve lap times but WILL improve consisency"
its interesting how you remember things.
i actually said: "they might not make a huge effect on reducing lap time but they can be used to tune the handling to make a time much more consistent."
"a kart that's more consistent in it's handling but NOT quicker. Does that tell us something about your lack of experience in racing"
not at all. it could explain why you span off so much though.
"is that becaUSe it makes the kart CONSISTENTLY SLOWER......?"
nope. it only makes it slower than the relatively rare faster lap of the worse handling setup. take the mean and it should always be faster.
please make any further posts topic related