The kart seat makes less difference to the handling that you imagine or than others will tell you. Just try flexing one that's not mounted. Compare the amount of flexing you can generate with a simple, and LIGHT, hand flex compared to the 1 to 3 G force of your WHOLE body mid corner when hitting a kerb! Also compare how easy it is to flex an axle which is the other great chassis 'stiffener'.
You are simply feeling the effect of much more agressive handling of a full race kart compared to the highly enjoyable but less violent prokart.
The solution is usually to make sure your seat is properly mounted for YOUR weight, YOUR height and YOUR leg-length..... If you need that explained, =just reply and I'll email you 'my' instruction on seat mounting.
Unless you are the standard 'front-of-the-pack' karting midget (just look at the front rows of the BIG meetings.... they are usually built like mice!) simply ignore the 'mount the seat exactly 11.956mm in front of blah blah blah..... it's TRIPE! Make sure the seat is of a good make (Tilletts are brilliant) and that it covers the side of your ribs as high as you can get it. Make CERTAIN you are not too tight in the seat or too loose: you can always pad the un-covered seats to hold you where the seat is looser on you than on others. I'll explain how if you need.... Lastly, research rib-protectors: they do a good job!